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War against Ukraine: energy embargo could significantly weaken German economy
In the current issue of its Monthly Report, the Bundesbank uses scenario calculations to analyse the potential macroeconomic impact of a further escalation of the war against Ukraine. According to the experts, German real GDP this year could be down by as much as 2% compared with 2021. The inflation rate in Germany in 2022 could be 1½ percentage points higher than expected in the European Central Bank’s March projection.
Weidmann sees forward guidance as a success
In the view of Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann, the ECB Governing Council’s forward guidance has contributed to lowering long-term interest rates and stimulating the euro area economy. However, at the 2019 European Banking Congress in Frankfurt, he also highlighted the risks and side effects of a highly expansionary monetary policy. ECB President Christine Lagarde called for increased public investment.
Summary of the October Monthly Report
The German economy in the international division of labour: a look at value-added flows
International investment position and external debt Tables of the Statistical Series
Pressekonferenz am 15. Dezember 2022 – Erklärung zur Geldpolitik
138 KB, PDF
Der EZB-Rat hat heute beschlossen, die drei Leitzinssätze der EZB um jeweils 50 Basispunkte anzuheben, und aufgrund der erheblich nach oben korrigierten Inflationsaussichten gehen wir davon aus, dass wir sie weiter erhöhen werden.
Digital natives? The future of banking in an era of digitalisation Speech at the "Unlock the Block" Hackathon hosted by the University of Cape Town
Shaping the future – Challenges in the European payments market Speech at the virtual conference “Future of Payments in Europe”
Analytical Credit Datasets – German Part – Data Report 2024-12 – Metadata Version 1-0 Gabriela Alves Werb, Tobias Krodel, Konstantin Körner, Enikö Gabor-Toth, Dominik Boddin, Christopher-Johannes Schild, Hannes Hildebrandt, Florian Hoffmann, Tetiana Panasenko
189 KB, PDF
German balance of payments in November 2021
Germany’s current account recorded a surplus of €18.9 billion in November 2021, up €1.3 billion on the previous month’s level. The surplus in the goods account declined slightly, but the surplus in invisible current transactions, which comprise services as well as primary and secondary income, increased more strongly.
"The future of the European Monetary Union (EMU) and some comments on the German economy" Keynote speech at the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium