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Balance of payments statistics - September 2017 Statistical Supplement 3 to the Monthly Report
Monthly Report - December 2015
The December 2015 Monthly Report focuses on the outlook for the German economy based on macroeconomic projections for 2016 and 2017. It also contains an analysis of German enterprises’ profitability and financing conditions in 2014 as well as an article on deposit protection in Germany.
Price-level targeting as a monetary policy strategy Article from the Monthly report January 2010
226 KB, PDF
Banks’ concentration versus diversification in the loan portfolio: new evidence from Germany Discussion paper 53/2013: Nadya Jahn, Christoph Memmel, Andreas Pfingsten
422 KB, PDF
Bayesian VARs and prior calibration in times of COVID-19 Discussion paper 52/2022: Benny Hartwig