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Balance of payments statistics - December 2017 Statistical Supplement 3 to the Monthly Report
International portfolios, capital accumulation and foreign assets dynamics Discussion paper 19/2008: Nicolas Coeurdacier, Robert Kollmann, Philippe Martin
704 KB, PDF
Monthly Report - July 2014
The Monthly Report July 2014 contains an article on the subject Exchange rates and financial stress and describes the past developments and future challenges of Germany’s statutory health insurance scheme. Furthermore, approach and initial results of the consolidated financial statement statistics as a contribution to the extended corporate analysis are defined. Finally, the importance of the insurance industry for financial stability is analysed.
Lucas paradox and allocation puzzle - is the euro area different? Discussion paper 06/2014: Sabine Herrmann, Jörn Kleinert
Balance of payments statistics - November 2017 Statistical Supplement 3 to the Monthly Report