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Fire buys of central bank collateral assets Discussion paper 51/2016: Calebe de Roure
522 KB, PDF
Heterogeneous households, firms and financial intermediaries: New theory and evidence Prgramme
181 KB, PDF
The costs of cash payments in the retail sector Study to determine and evaluate the costs arising from cash payments in the retail sector
718 KB, PDF
How much does a cash payment cost? How long does it take? What costs arise at which points? And how do cash payments compare with cashless payments in terms of costs? Answers to these and other questions are provided by this study on the costs of cash payments in the retail sector, contributing to the debate on the efficiency of payments at the point of sale (POS).
The Eurosystem’s financial market infrastructure – origin and future set- up Article from the Monthly Report December 2017
334 KB, PDF
German labor market and fiscal reforms 1999 to 2008: can they be blamed for intra-euro area imbalances? Discussion paper 29/2015: Niklas Gadatsch, Nikolai Stähler, Benjamin Weigert
612 KB, PDF
The current economic situation in Germany Article from the Monthly Report February 2021
86 KB, PDF
Bank use of sovereign CDS in the eurozone crisis: hedging and risk incentives Discussion paper 26/2018: Viral V. Acharya, Yalin Gündüz, Timothy C. Johnson
Statistical Series International investment position and external debt December 2023
Trade balances of the central and east European EU member states and the role of foreign direct investment Discussion paper 41/2005: Sabine Herrmann, Axel Jochem
561 KB, PDF