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The euro as an anchor currency and core of a currency bloc Article from the Monthly Report July 2012
The development of government interest expenditure in Germany Article from the Monthly Report September 2013
233 KB, PDF
Rollover risk in commercial paper markets and firms' debt maturity choice Discussion paper 05/2008: Felix Thierfelder
284 KB, PDF
NAIRU estimates for Germany: new evidence on the inflation unemployment trade-off Discussion paper 19/2010: Florian Kajuth
344 KB, PDF
Securities market regulation: international approaches Article from the Monthly report January 2006
121 KB, PDF
Credit-Market Sentiment and the Business Cycle David López-Salido, Jeremy C. Stein, Egon Zakrajšek
351 KB, PDF
The use of real-time information in Phillips curve relationships for the euro area Discussion paper 28/2004: Maritta Paloviita, David Mayes
498 KB, PDF
Seasonally adjusted business statistics (tables only) - October 2005 Statistical Supplement to the Monthly Report 4
375 KB, PDF
Seasonally adjusted business statistics (tables only) - September 2004 Statistical Supplement to the Monthly Report 4
512 KB, PDF
Seasonally adjusted business statistics (tables only) - August 2004 Statistical Supplement to the Monthly Report 4
508 KB, PDF