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Maintaining price stability – The role of the Eurosystem and other economic agents Speech at the European Economics and Financial Centre
German balance of payments in May 2023
Germany’s current account recorded a surplus of €8.9 billion in May 2023, down €13.4 billion on the previous month’s level. This was because invisible current transactions, which comprise services as well as primary and secondary income, switched to a deficit. The surplus in the goods account remained virtually unchanged.
The CIC welcomes the University’s international outlook and values our close collaboration
The Centre for International Central Bank dialogue welcomes the University’s international outlook and values our close collaboration.
The European System of Central Banks and the European Commission launch an EU-funded pilot project to contribute to macroeconomic and financial stability in Africa
The Deutsche Bundesbank and the Banque de France, six national central banks of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and the European Central Bank (ECB) have today launched a programme funded by the European Union (EU) with the aim of contributing to the macroeconomic and financial stability of African countries.
German balance of payments in April 2023
In April 2023, Germany’s current account recorded a surplus of €21.8 billion, down €8.7 billion on the previous month’s level. This was mainly attributable to a smaller goods account surplus. The surplus in invisible current transactions, which comprise services as well as primary and secondary income, remained practically unchanged.
Period of weakness in the German economy could continue
19.02.2024 DE
German economic output contracted in the final quarter of 2023, according to the February Monthly Report. Weak demand from abroad was still putting a strain on industry, while higher financing costs continued to dampen investment. Bundesbank economists believe that uncertainty about transformation and climate policy is also likely to have weighed on economic activity. Some headwinds will probably persist into the first quarter of 2024 as well. Economic output could therefore decline again somewhat.
Pressekonferenz am 11. April 2024 – Erklärung zur Geldpolitik
161 KB, PDF
Der EZB-Rat hat heute beschlossen, die drei Leitzinssätze der EZB unverändert zu belassen. Die neu verfügbaren Daten haben unsere bisherige Einschätzung der mittelfristigen Inflationsaussichten weitgehend bestätigt.