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Kontaktdaten für Praktika
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Mein Euro – Spiel- und Rechengeld
„Mein Euro – Spiel- und Rechengeld“ für die Primarstufe bietet eine große Anzahl an ausstanzbaren Münzen und Banknoten zum Spielen und Rechnen. Das beiliegende Poster zeigt kindgerecht die Münzmotive aller Euro-Länder, die Euro-Banknoten sowie eine Karte mit den Euro-Ländern.
Financial Stability Review 2024: Financial system is proving stable
21.11.2024 DE
The German financial system has weathered the exceptionally strong rise in interest rates well overall and has proved stable over the past months, the Bundesbank writes in its Financial Stability Review 2024. Credit risk is now increasingly coming under the spotlight, however.
The financial system is facing acute challenges due to geopolitical tensions and a weak economy. The economy is also undergoing transformation,
said Bundesbank Executive Board member Michael Theurer.Our top priority must be a resilient financial system.
Europa gemeinsam voranbringen
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Beim 34. European Banking Congress in Frankfurt am Main betonte Bundesbankpräsident Joachim Nagel die Notwendigkeit eines geeinten Europas, um die vielfältigen Herausforderungen zu meistern, vor denen Europa stehe. In einem gemeinsamen Appell mit François Villeroy de Galhau, Gouverneur der Banque de France, betonten die beiden, wie wichtig es sei, den deutsch-französischen Dialog zu stärken, um Europa voranzubringen.
A common call for a Franco-German revival Guest contribution by Banque de France Governor François Villeroy de Galhau and Bundesbank President Joachim Nagel published in the Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung and Le Monde
France and Germany are at a crossroads. Banque de France Governor François Villeroy de Galhau and Bundesbank President Joachim Nagel have published a common call for three things.
Joint European responses to the challenges we face Speech at the European Banking Congress
Invitation to bid – Federal Treasury discount paper (Bubills)
187 KB, PDF
Ihr Profil und Ihre Bewerbung
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The Bundesbank's credit assessment system
The Bundesbank has a dedicated credit assessment system to assess the credit quality of debtors of non-marketable assets. Credit assessment goes back a long way at the Bundesbank. Counterparties can use the Bank's credit assessment to determine an enterprise's or debtor's eligibility in the context of their monetary policy operations.
Monetary aggregates
The monetary policy strategy of the Eurosystem attaches great importance to monetary developments.