New Bundesbank representative in Tokyo ©Takuya Fujisawa, Photography

New Bundesbank representative in Tokyo

At a function in Tokyo attended by around 200 invited guests, Bundesbank Executive Board member Burkhard Balz welcomed the Bank’s new representative, Uwe Nebgen. Mr Nebgen takes over from Ms Moede, who headed the representative office in Japan for four years.

Speaking at the event, Mr Balz, the Executive Board member responsible for the Bundesbank’s missions abroad, expressed his thanks to the outgoing representative. Ms Moede’s many local contacts had been of enormous benefit to the Bundesbank, particularly during Japan’s presidency of the G7 in 2016 and its G20 presidency in 2019, remarked Mr Balz, adding: “You have done an excellent job, fostering ties with the Bank of Japan as well as with the financial community.” Mr Masayoshi Amamiya, Deputy Governor of the Bank of Japan, likewise conveyed his gratitude to Ms Moede for the fruitful, substantive and organisational cooperation between the banks.

Her successor, Uwe Nebgen, was already head of the Bundesbank’s Representative Office in Tokyo from 2006 to 2010. Now, having worked in the meantime in the field of financial stability in Frankfurt, Mr Nebgen has returned to Japan. Mr Nebgen told those in attendance that he looked forward to working in a new, yet familiar setting.

The Deutsche Bundesbank has maintained a representative office in Tokyo since 1987. The focal points of its work consist of observing, analysing and reporting on developments in Japan, South Korea and Australia.