German Prize for Online Communication: Bundesbank wins bronze with IT presentation film

The Bundesbank is often associated with cash and gold, but with IT? Probably not – even though the Bundesbank employs around 1,000 staff in this field. To raise awareness of the central bank as an attractive employer for IT professionals, it produced a presentation film playing on the stereotypes commonly found in the financial and IT sectors. At the same time, it aimed to send out the message that the Bundesbank needs an innovative IT division to be able to perform its tasks. The film saw the Bundesbank not only attract public attention but also impress the jury for the German Prize for Online Communication, winning bronze in its financial sector category.

Bundesbank President in trainers

All of the scenes were shot featuring members of staff: the film stars employees from various IT business units who pursue hobbies that are rather unusual by Bank standards – for example as punk rockers, e-athletes or Jedi knights. The message the film wants to communicate to potential applicants is: go for it, apply, you’ll meet interesting people here. And, with a little luck, you may even bump into a certain well-known monetary policymaker wearing his trainers. “By using members of staff in the film, we have successfully presented the Bundesbank as an interesting IT employer in an approachable and humorous way,” said Michael Best, Director General Communications.

This message was also heard loud and clear by users on the Bundesbank’s social media channels, with the film garnering a large number of positive comments and likes on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.

This year was the eleventh year in which the German Prize for Online Communication honoured the outstanding work of organisations in the field of digital communication. It is awarded by the specialist magazine “pressesprecher” and Quadriga. This year, over 700 entries in 47 categories were presented to jury members from the world of corporate communication, online PR, science and research.