ECB President Lagarde visits the Bundesbank

Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann received ECB President Christine Lagarde at the Bundesbank. Mr Weidmann showed Ms Lagarde the special exhibition of works by Annette Kelm at the Money Museum and gave her a guided tour of the museum.

The ECB President then visited the TARGET2 room, where she found out how the Bundesbank and Banca d’Italia monitor the TARGET2 payment system and the T2S securities settlement system and keep them running at all times. In a video conference with our Italian counterparts, Ms Lagarde learned about the advantages of cross-country cooperation, especially in emergency situations. Ms Lagarde was very interested and expressed her thanks to the staff for their work. At the joint lunch that followed, the ECB President exchanged views with the Bundesbank’s Executive Board.

Ms Lagarde’s visit to the Bundesbank was her second inaugural visit to a euro area national central bank. She will be visiting all other national central banks in the euro area over the coming months.