Change of office in Moscow 2019 ©Nikita Markov

Change of office in Moscow

Britta Weinmann is the Bundesbank’s new representative at the German embassy in Moscow. Ms Weinmann, who previously worked in banking supervision at the Bundesbank’s Regional Office in Hesse, took over the role based in Russia’s capital city from Sven Redel on 1 August. From working as a banking supervisor for major international banks and her involvement in the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), Ms Weinmann knows first-hand how crucial it is to maintain an international dialogue – especially in the area of financial markets. “Continuing this dialogue outside of the EU was, for me, the next obvious step to take,” she remarked.

The change of office was celebrated on 30 September at the residence of the German ambassador in Moscow. Guests included Bundesbank Executive Board member Burkhard Balz and the head of the Directorate General Economic Education, Julian Reischle. In his welcoming address, Ambassador Geza von Geyr thanked Mr Balz for visiting Moscow and underlined the important role played by the Bundesbank's representatives at all of Germany’s diplomatic missions.

In her new position as representative, Ms Weinmann will report on topics that are relevant to the Bundesbank. At the same time, she will assist institutions in Russia by providing information about the Bundesbank, Germany’s banking industry, and European monetary policy. Further core tasks will be to establish and maintain important business contacts and support visitors from the Bundesbank, federal ministries and the Bundestag.