Web service interface: Data
Bundesbank SDMX Web Service API
All the data stored in the Bundesbank time series database can be retrieved using the query string described below.
Description: The endpoint returns time series from the specified dataflow (e.g. BBEX3) with the specified key (e.g. A.AED.DEM.CA.AA.A04).
Protocol https Path /data/{flowRef}/{key} Base path https://api.statistiken.bundesbank.de/rest Return format - BBK-CSV
- SDMX-ML 2.1
Name Description Example flowRef DSI (Data Set Identifier), a reference to the dataflow. BBEX3
key Request of the data of a time series key.
The combination of dimensions allows statistical data to be uniquely identified. This type of combination is known as a time series key.
Exception: The time series key for BBK01 consists of exactly one dimension.
The use of wildcards is supported.
SDMX time series key: D.USD.EUR.BB.AC.000
BBK01-time series key:
Use of wildcards specifically for SDMX time series keys
Wildcarding is supported by omitting the value for the dimension to be wildcarded.
For example, the following time series key can be used to retrieve the data for all daily currencies against the euro: D..EUR.BB.AC.000
It should also be possible to set several wildcards in a single request.
Use of wildcards specifically for BBK01
The time series key for BBK01 consists of exactly one dimension.
The wildcard character “*” is intended to represent 0-N arbitrary characters. Wildcards can be placed anywhere within a word (even at the beginning).
It is possible to enter more than one wildcard character (*).
However, the dimension must contain at least one character that is not a wildcard.
Example: W* (all time series starting with “W” are found).
Wildcarding - OR operator
In addition to wildcarding, the endpoint /data also supports the OR operator for the path parameter key. The OR operator is represented by the “+” sign.
With the SDMX time series, you can use the OR operator within a key component to make several entries. All time series are returned that contain one of these specified key components. With the BBK01 time series, the time series key is treated like a key component.
Example for SDMX time series key:
returned time series:
Example for BBK01:
returned time series:
BBK01.TTA032 and BBK01.TTA010
Return type parameter
With the "format" parameter, it is possible to instruct the web service to return data in various formats. If no "format" parameter is specified, the return format will consider the entry "Accept-Header".
The "format" parameter takes precedence over the "Accept-Header".
Return type Parameter value Media type BBK-CSV bbk_csv
SDMX-ML 2.1 xml
SDMX-JSON application_json
Query parameters
Parameters can be used to further specify or restrict the response of the web service.
All parameters are optional.
Query parameters Description startPeriod
By entering a range of dates using the parameter “startPeriod”/“endPeriod”, the time period for the observations can be narrowed down further. The supported formats are:
YYYY for annual data (e.g. 2019).
YYYY-S[1-2] for semi-annual data (e.g. 2019-S1).
YYYY-Q [1-4] for quarterly data (e.g. 2019-Q1).
YYYY-MM for monthly data (e.g. 2019-01).
YYYY-W[01-53] for weekly data (e.g. 2019-W01).
YYYY-MM-DD for daily data and business data (e.g. 2019-01-01).
detail The “detail” parameter allows you to select how much information you wish the web service to return. Possible options are:
full: All data values and attributes are returned. This is the default setting.
https://api.statistiken.bundesbank.de/rest/data/BBEX3/D.USD.EUR.BB.AC.000?detail=fulldataonly: Only data values are returned, not attributes.
https://api.statistiken.bundesbank.de/rest/data/BBEX3/D.USD.EUR.BB.AC.000?detail=dataonlyserieskeyonly: Time series keys, excluding attributes and data values.
https://api.statistiken.bundesbank.de/rest/data/BBEX3/D.USD.EUR.BB.AC.000?detail=serieskeyonlynodata: Time series keys, including attributes, but excluding data values.
https://api.statistiken.bundesbank.de/rest/data/BBEX3/D.USD.EUR.BB.AC.000?detail=nodatafirstNObservations The “firstNObservations” parameter allows you to specify the maximum number of observations to be returned for each requested time series, starting with the first observation.
lastNObservations The “lastNObservations” parameter allows you to specify the maximum number of observations to be returned for each requested time series, in descending order from the last observation.
Combining parameters
The following table shows which parameter combinations are permitted:
startPeriod – endPeriod – firstNObservations – lastNObservations
Time series with the first N observations from the specified period (start date-end date).
Time series with the last N observations from the specified period (until end date).
Time series with the last N observations from the specified period (start date-end date).
Time series with the first N observations from the specified period (from start date).
Time series from the specified period (start date-end date).
Time series with the first N1 observations and last N2 observations. If there is any overlap, all observations within the specified period.
Return format
Return type Media type / Accept-Header Description BBK-CSV application/vnd.bbk.data+csv
With the return type “bbk.data + csv” a maximum of 200 time series of a frequency can be called up, otherwise an error message follows.
If more than 200 time series or time series with different frequency are to be called up in CSV format, the return type “bbk.data + csv-zip” must be selected. Exactly one ZIP file is then returned, the content of which consists of several CSV files. If time series of different frequencies were requested by a query, the time series for each frequency are written in several CSVs, which are returned in the ZIP.
With different frequencies there is a separate sequence number for each frequency.
Filename-ZIP: flowRef. (Key or WildcardingKey)_CSV.ZIP
Example: BBDE1.M ... ACP_CSV.ZIP
CSV file names: flowRef.Frequency (consecutive number) .csv
BBDE1.Q(03).csvSDMX-CSV application/vnd.sdmx.data+csv
SDMX-CSV format conforms to the RFC 4180 standard specification, and it supports the SDMX 2.1 Information Model. SDMX-ML 2.1 application/vnd.sdmx.genericdata+xml
With the return type “sdmx.genericdata + xml”, time series with different frequencies can be called up. SDMX-JSON application/vnd.sdmx.daa+json
SDMX-JSON conforms to the JSON standard specification and supports the SDMX 2.1 Information Model. Language response
The language response depends on the information in the "header":
Language specification Description "de" or variants
thereof (e.g. "de-DE")Only German attributes are returned. If the German attributes are missing, the English equivalent is used as a fallback. "en" or variants
thereof (e.g. "en-US")Only English attributes are returned. If the English attributes are missing, the German equivalent is used as a fallback. No specification for language header
or other languageThe complete document is returned. -
Description: The end point returns all time series that are found with the specified list of time series keys (e.g. ["BBEX3.M.DKK.EUR.BB.AC.A01", "BBEX3.M.DKK.EUR. BB.AC.A02 "]). At this end point, the request is made using the POST method.
/data/tsIdList Base path
Return format
application/bbk-csv+zip Request body
Please note: The retrieval of all data depends on the size of the dataflow and can take a long time.
Example: POST https://api.statistiken.bundesbank.de/rest/data/tsIdList
accept: application/bbk-csv+zip
Content-Type: application/json
Description: The endpoint returns all time series from the specified dataflow (e.g. BBEX3).
Protocol https Path /data/{flowRef} Base path https://api.statistiken.bundesbank.de/rest Return format - application/vnd.sdmx.genericdata+xml;version=2.1
- application/xml
- text/xml
- application/vnd.bbk.data+csv;version=1.0.0
- application/vnd.bbk.data+csv-zip;version=1.0.0
- text/csv
Please note: The retrieval of all data depends on the size of the dataflow and can take a long time.
Example: https://api.statistiken.bundesbank.de/rest/data/BBDE1
Return type parameter
With the "format" parameter, it is possible to instruct the web service to return data in various formats. If no "format" parameter is specified, the return format will consider the entry "Accept-Header".
The "format" parameter takes precedence over the "Accept-Header".
Return type Parameter value Media type BBK-CSV bbk_csv
SDMX-CSV text_csv text/csv SDMX-ML 2.1 xml
Return format
Return type Description data+csv and
data+csv-zipWith the return type “data + csv” a maximum of 200 time series of a frequency can be called up, otherwise an error message follows.
If more than 200 time series or time series with different frequency are to be called up in CSV format, the return type “data + csv-zip” must be selected. Exactly one ZIP file is then returned, the content of which consists of several CSV files. If time series of different frequencies were requested by a query, the time series for each frequency are written in several CSVs, which are returned in the ZIP.
With different frequencies there is a separate sequence number for each frequency.
Filename-ZIP: flowRef_CSV.ZIP
Example: BBDE1_CSV.ZIP
CSV file names: flowRef.Frequency (consecutive number) .csv
BBDE1.Q(03).csvgenericdata+xml With the return type “genericdata + xml”, time series with different frequencies can be called up.
Language response
The language response depends on the information in the "header":
Language specification Description "de" or variants
thereof (e.g. "de-DE")Only German attributes are returned. If the German attributes are missing, the English equivalent is used as a fallback. "en" or variants
thereof (e.g. "en-US")Only English attributes are returned. If the English attributes are missing, the German equivalent is used as a fallback. No specification for language header
or other languageThe complete document is returned.