Long time series On economic development in Germany
Long time series serve as a basis for analysing economic development over the longer term. The set of tables presented here gives an insight into German economic development since 1948.
As well as providing an international comparison of selected economic data, it includes a broad range of indicators from the following areas:
- Monetary and banking statistics data
- Money and capital market
- Domestic economy
- Labour market and wages
- Prices
- Enterprises
- Public finances
- External sector
- Exchange rates
- Loss of purchasing power of money
The data are available as annual values in tables.
The complete edition of the long time series table set is updated twice per calendar year. It is made available and archived under Publications.
Individual topic areas may also be updated between the publication dates of the semi-annual complete edition of the long time series. All topic areas can be accessed individually or in the form of a complete up-to-date edition under Data -> Tables.