Loans to Nonfinancial corporations and Households broken down by original maturity, remaining maturity and interest rate reset period
28.02.2025 DE
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Corresponding time series
Please note that only time series that are also available on the Internet are listed below.
Time series | Description | Direct download | Data basket |
BBBK1.M.OXA8I3 | Loans to non-financial corporations domiciled in euro-area member-states (including domestic) - Total All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OXA8Z6 | Loans to domestic non-financial corporations with an original maturity of more than one year and with a remaining maturity up to and including one year - All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OXA8Z7 | Loans to domestic non-financial corporations with an original maturity of more than one year and with a remaining maturity of more than one year and interest rate reset period within the next 12 months All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OXA8Z8 | Loans to domestic non-financial corporations with an original maturity of more than two years and with a remaining maturity up to and including two years - All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OXA8Z9 | Loans to domestic non-financial corporations with an original maturity of more than two years and with a remaining maturity of more than two years and interest rate reset period within the next 24 months All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OXA7A1 | Loans to non-financial corporations domiciled in other euro-area member states with an original maturity of more than one year and with a remaining maturity up to and including one year - All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OXA7A2 | Loans to non-financial corporations domiciled in other euro-area member states with an original maturity of more than one year and with a remaining maturity of more than one year and interest rate reset period within the next 12 months All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OXA7A3 | Loans to non-financial corporations domiciled in other euro-area member states with an original maturity of more than two years and with a remaining maturity up to and including two years - All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OXA7A4 | Loans to non-financial corporations domiciled in other euro-area member states with an original maturity of more than two years and with a remaining maturity of more than two years and interest rate reset period within the next 24 months - All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OXA8I4 | Loans to households domiciled in euro-area member states (including domestic) - Total All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OXA8I5 | Loans to domestic households with an original maturity of more than one year and with a remaining maturity up to and including one year - All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OXA8I6 | Loans to domestic households with an original maturity of more than one year and with a remaining maturity of more than one year and interest rate reset period within the next 12 months - All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OXA8I7 | Loans to domestic households with an original maturity of more than two years and with a remaining maturity up to and including two years - All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OXA8I8 | Loans to domestic households with an original maturity of more than two years and with a remaining maturity of more than two years and interest rate reset period within the next 24 months - All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OXA8I9 | Loans to households domiciled in other euro-area member states with an original maturity of more than one year and with a remaining maturity up to an including one year - All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OXA8J1 | Loans to households domiciled in other euro-area member states with an original maturity of more than one year and with a remaining maturity of more than one year and interest rate reset period within the next 12 months - All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OXA8J2 | Loans to households domiciled in other euro-area member states with an original maturity of more than two years and with a remaining maturity up to and including two years - All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |
BBBK1.M.OXA8J3 | Loans to households domiciled in other euro-area member states with an original maturity of more than two years and with a remaining maturity of more than two years and interest rate reset period within the next 24 months - All categories of banks |
SDMX-ML 2.0 SDMX-ML 2.1 |