Information on 2010 revision Information on the revision of reports for the monthly balance sheet statistics, the external position of banks and the MFI interest rate statistics (hereinafter referred to as “2010 revision”; concerns adjustments to the reporting dates of December 2009, June 2010, December 2010 and December 2011).
In its letter of June 2008 (in German only), the Bundesbank announced the review of the corresponding regulations by the European Central Bank.
The revision of regulations on monetary financial institutions’ balance sheets and MFI interest rate statistics by the ECB Governing Council (see also Bundesbank circular 5/2009 (in German only) of 20 February 2009 and 14/2009 (in German only) of 8 May 2009) required a comprehensive reworking of the banking statistics reporting system at a national level. In addition, the accounting rules stipulated in the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch, HGB) and the Accounting Regulation for Credit Institutions and Financial services institutions (Verordnung über die Rechnungslegung der Kreditinstitute und Finanzdienstleitungsinstitute, RechKredV) - revised due to the Act Modernising Accounting Law (Bilanzrechtsmodernisierungsgesetz, BilMoG) - had to be accommodated for. To enable the reporting agents to understand the development process’ national implementation, the Bundesbank provides information on the intermediate phases of the German implementation process along with the final versions of the guidelines, explanations and reporting form templates.
in German only