Financial stability and the role of central banks

On 27 and 28 February 2014, the Bundesbank will be hosting a two-day symposium with high-level academics, policymakers, business representatives and central bankers on "Financial Stability and the Role of Central Banks" in Frankfurt am Main. "It is crucial not only for financial stability but also for the acceptance of our economic system that we learn the right lessons from the crisis and that we better regulate and more stringently supervise the financial markets," said Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann prior to the symposium. "At this event, we intend to discuss what progress has been made in financial market regulation and what remains to be done."

Speakers at the symposium include Federal Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble, ECB President Mario Draghi, Governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney and President of De Nederlandsche Bank Klaas Knot as well as Jürgen Fitschen, Co-Chairman of the Management Board of Deutsche Bank, Nikolaus von Bomhard, Chairman of the Board of Management of Munich Re, and Elke König, President of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, BaFin.

Renowned economists invited as active participants include Olivier Blanchard, Chief Economist at the IMF, Claudia Buch, President of the Halle Institute for Economic Research, Franklin Allen from the University of Pennsylvania and Martin Hellwig, Director of the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods.

The symposium will focus on

  • the relationship between monetary policy, financial stability and fiscal policy,
  • central banks’ specific role and mandate now and in the future,
  • banking regulation from a micro and macroprudential perspective, and
  • the regulation of non-banking business in the international financial system.

"Together with our high-calibre guests we will shed light on these areas from different viewpoints. The discussion promises to be very stimulating and thought-provoking," said Andreas Dombret, Executive Board Member of the Deutsche Bundesbank responsible for the field of financial stability.

The Bundesbank symposium aims to facilitate an intensive exchange of ideas on the causes and repercussions of the financial crisis and on outstanding issues on the regulatory agenda. "We look forward to hearing how academics and practitioners assess the crisis and propose to resolve it," Dombret added.

Participation in this symposium is by invitation only. Invitations to representatives of the media will be sent out in due course.