Executive Board agrees allocation of responsibilities

With effect from Monday, 2 September 2024, Dr Sabine Mauderer was appointed Vice-President of the Deutsche Bundesbank. Furthermore, Lutz Lienenkämper and Michael Theurer joined the Bundesbank’s Executive Board. The responsibilities within the Executive Board have therefore been reallocated. The following reallocation of responsibilities comes into effect immediately.

President Dr Joachim Nagel

  • Economics
  • Directorate for Board and International Affairs
  • Communications
  • Strategy and Innovation
  • Legal Services

Deputy President Dr Sabine Mauderer

  • Markets
  • Controlling, Accounting and Organisation
  • Sustainability

Burkhard Balz

  • Cash management
  • Payments and Settlement Systems
  • Digital Euro
  • Centre for International Central Bank Dialogue

Lutz Lienenkämper

  • Human Resources
  • Internal audit
  • Compliance

Michael Theurer

  • Banking and Financial Supervision
  • Financial Stability


  • Information Technology
  • Data and Statistics
  • Risk Control
  • Research

Responsibilities within the unallocated area have been temporarily assigned to Dr Joachim Nagel (Risk Control and Research Centre), Dr Sabine Mauderer (Data and Statistics) and Burkhard Balz (Information Technology).