Deutsche Bundesbank Deputy President Professor Claudia Buch takes up office; Executive Board agrees allocation of responsibilities
Professor Claudia Buch today assumed her office as Deputy President of the Deutsche Bundesbank. At its subsequent meeting, the Bundesbank's Executive Board decided on the following allocation of responsibilities, which will take effect immediately. Deputy President Claudia Buch will oversee the Financial Stability, Audit and Statistics Departments. Dr Andreas Dombret will be responsible for the Banking and Financial Supervision Department and the Risk Control Unit as well as the Bundesbank’s Representative Offices abroad. He will also serve as the Bundesbank's G7 and G20 deputy until the end of 2015.
President Jens Weidmann
- Communications
- Legal
- Economics
- Research Centre
Deputy President Professor Claudia Buch
- Financial Stability
- Audit
- Statistics
Dr hc Rudolf Böhmler
- Controlling, Accounting and Organisation
- Economic Education, University of Applied Sciences and Technical Central Bank Cooperation
- Human Resources
- Administration and Premises
Dr Andreas Dombret
- Banking and Financial Supervision
- Risk Control
- Representative Offices abroad
Dr Joachim Nagel
- Information Technology
- Markets
Carl-Ludwig Thiele
- Cash
- Payments and Settlement Systems