Bundesbank mourns death of Dr Christian Burckhardt

The Deutsche Bundesbank is mourning the death of Dr Christian Burckhardt. The Head of the Communications Department died in a road accident on Saturday.

“We are deeply saddened,” said Professor President Axel Weber, President of the Deutsche Bundesbank . “In Dr Burckhardt we have lost not only a very highly regarded professional who played a key role in shaping the Bundesbank’s public image. He was also a management figure who was held in very great esteem by everyone in our institution.”

Dr Burckhardt had been Head of the Communications Department since September 2005. During this time, he was concerned, above all, with promoting the public’s perception of the Bundesbank. As recent events were unfolding in the financial markets, he proved to be an outstanding crisis manager. Dr Burckhardt also set the tone with new initiatives in internal communications.

Dr Burckhardt held a doctorate in philosophy, studied economics and journalism and began his career as a trainee at the German news agency vwd, where he worked from 1970 to 1984 before moving to the Reuters news agency. He acted in various capacities at Reuters, including chief reporter, bureau chief, and political correspondent in Moscow. Between 1999 and 2005 he reported as an economic journalist on euro-area monetary policy for Börsen-Zeitung before joining the Bundesbank in September 2005.