Declaration on Accessibility
We endeavour to comply as far as possible with the guidelines of the Barrier-free Information Technology Regulation (Barrierefreie Informationstechnik-Verordnung – BITV). Our review of compliance with these guidelines is based on an independent BITV test conducted in May 2021. We are working to remove the barriers that are still in place.
State of compliance with requirements
Parts of this website do not meet the accessibility requirements set out in Section 3(1) to (3) and Section 4 of the Barrier-free Information Technology Regulation (BITV 2.0).
The following content on the website is not fully accessible for the reasons outlined below:
- At present, alternative text for older images and graphical control elements is sometimes either missing or incorrect. This content is being edited over time. We endeavour to make newly posted images and graphics accessible.
- Accessible names are missing or are not consistent with visible names. Technical revisions are planned.
- Information and relationships that are visually displayed are often not detectable by software, as texts and graphical control elements are either not conveyed or inadequately conveyed using corresponding structural elements (e.g. headings for texts or form groups, paragraphs).
- The names, role and states of elements are not marked clearly enough due to outdated technical implementation. In many cases, clickable elements take the form of links instead of buttons. Users of assistive technologies, such as screen readers, are sometimes unable to identify expandable content and its state (expanded/collapsed). Technical revisions are planned.
- On the “Data basket” page, a layout table is used to structure a form. The data basket functionality is undergoing a fundamental overhaul and will then be available in an accessible format.
- Forms differ from page to page in terms of their standard design and implementation, which can cause them to differ in the way they appear and function, and result in certain problems arising (e.g. groupings, labels, error messages). The forms are gradually being standardised and will then be available in an accessible format. We endeavour to make newly posted forms accessible.
- The contrast ratio of some texts, graphical control elements and graphics does not meet the required minimum. The same is true of focus highlight. These barriers are being removed as the website’s front end is updated.
- Adjusting text size and spacing causes text to overlap. Technical revisions are planned.
- Some images contain a copyright notice integrated into the bottom edge of the image. This solution is only available to sighted users, and zooming in on these images results in poor resolution quality. Technical revisions are planned.
- (Some) foreign language words or passages in older documents are not tagged. This content is being edited over time. We endeavour to make newly posted content accessible.
- (Some) videos do not come with captions. We endeavour to add captions to newly posted videos as soon as possible after release.
- At present, numerous PDF files, some of which are older, are available for download, and not all of these are accessible. We endeavour to make newly posted PDF files accessible.
Preparation of this accessibility statement
This statement was prepared on 9 September 2020 and last updated on 20 October 2022.
Report accessibility issues. Feedback on accessibility
If you discover any non-accessible elements on our website, please use the feedback form to send us details of where you found the issue.
If information is not accessible to you due to a lack of accessibility, you can request it in accessible form by sending an email to The contact person for accessibility at the Deutsche Bundesbank is Magnus Mäkelä.
You can also contact us by post or by telephone:
Deutsche Bundesbank
Wilhelm-Epstein-Strasse 14
60451 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 (0)69 95660
Arbitration proceedings
If you believe you have been discriminated against as a result of insufficient accessibility on, you can contact the Arbitration Service according to the German Act on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities. There, you can find out how arbitration proceedings are conducted and how you can submit an application for arbitration.
You can contact the Arbitration Service at the following address:
Schlichtungsstelle nach dem Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz bei dem Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für die Belange von Menschen mit Behinderungen
Mauerstrasse 53
10117 Berlin