Results from special questions Survey on Consumer Expectations
While the charts on the other webpages of this study illustrate the results of regularly asked core questions, here we show charts on an ad hoc basis mainly relating to special questions for research projects or policy advice. The results are made available to participants of the study in advance, at the end of a completed questionnaire. We show the charts and accompanying texts here in the chronological order of their inclusion in the questionnaire.
Characteristics that make a professional activity particularly valuable
In August 2024, we asked our participants what makes a professional activity particularly valuable in their opinion.
Trust in the data protection of online platforms
In April 2024, we asked our participants about the extent to which they trusted different institutions to treat their data appropriately and to protect their personal information. You can see the results for online platforms here.
Risk appetite in financial decisions
In April 2024, we asked how risk-averse respondents think they are when it comes to financial decisions. Here is a breakdown of responses by gender.
Prevalence of working from home
In July 2024, we asked our participants in employment how often they work from home.
General risk appetite
Back in January 2024, we asked our survey participants how they viewed themselves personally: were they willing to take risks or did they try to avoid them?
Preference with regard to issuers of an electronic means of payment
In the past, we regularly asked participants whether an electronic payment instrument issued by the ECB or by private initiatives would have more advantages for them personally. Here, you can see the results for the period from December 2022 to December 2023.
Support of climate policy measures
In October 2023, we asked participants to what extent they support or reject various climate policy measures.
Is trust in the ECB changing as a result of its involvement in combating climate change?
In June 2023, we asked our participants to what extent the ECB’s involvement in combating climate change would change their trust in the ECB.