New online courses in first half of 2022
The dates of the International Central Banking Courses for the first half of 2022 have been confirmed. Once again, the International Central Banking Courses will cover a very broad range of topics. There will also be a focus this time on current trends: “Current issues in monetary policy implementation – greening the financial system”, “Environmental and energy management at the Deutsche Bundesbank” and “The use of IT solutions in cash management”. Due to the continuing pandemic situation, all of our courses will be offered online in the first six months of 2022. If the situation allows, we would like to invite our partner institutions to meet face-to-face in Frankfurt in the second half of the year. You will be informed of such decisions in good time.
As in the past, the number of places on our courses is limited in order to encourage networking and to provide opportunities for an exchange of ideas, opinions and views.
In this vein, our courses are tailored to different target groups (managers, experts, new recruits or young talent). Course level I, for example, deals with core aspects of central banking for those just beginning their career, whilst expert panels are aimed at experienced central bank staff. The latter are generally encouraged to play a more active role, and we request that papers or presentations for participants’ lectures are submitted beforehand as part of the panel.
Furthermore, we would like to inform you about the introduction of a new online registration platform on 1 January 2022, which aims to significantly simplify both the registration process and course management.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments.
Katja Hofmann began her career at the Bundesbank in 2004 in the area of banking and financial supervision, with a main focus on securitisation. For a period spanning 11 years overall, she served as the Bundesbank’s representative on this topic in national, European and international bodies. In addition, she worked in the Directorate General Markets and in the ECB’s Risk Management Division. Before her employment at the Bundesbank, she held a research position in the private banking sector for six years. Within the CIC, she is now responsible for the topic of monetary policy implementation.
Text: Martine Niederkorn