CIC Newsletter Corona edition June 2020 International Central Bank Dialogue
Dear subscriber,
we are very pleased to announce that we will shortly be launching our new web-seminar series. You can join in!
Unfortunately, owing to the pandemic, our on-site training has temporarily been put on hold since March. We have therefore, wherever possible, started to transfer our bilateral activities to a digital platform over the past few weeks. On 09 June 2020 at 1:30 pm, our first international web-seminar will be beamed out on the topic of „Application and impact of IFRS 9 in times of COVID-19“. In order to encourage the usual lively exchange and to promote multilateral networking, the number of participants is restricted to 20. Details about our services and the registration form you can find on our website.
Make sure you join us and please tell your colleagues about our new service, which is open exclusively to central banks and supervisory authorities. Participant feedback and suggestions for improvement would be appreciated!
We look forward to welcoming you in our virtual world and hope to be able to meet up with you in person in Frankfurt at the earliest opportunity. Look after yourselves.
Banking supervision – constantly changing© Alexandra Lechner