Back to the Future™ – the return to in-person courses
“I am very pleased to be here and to not have to speak to a camera anymore
.” Melanie Armbruster from the Directorate General Banking and Financial Supervision makes no secret of the fact that she has been looking forward to restarting face-to-face courses. Her talk on the topic of own funds kicks off the one-week course “Introduction to the Basel Framework”.
Long-term planning with uncertainties
Networking and a high level of attention – advantages of in-person courses
Another key positive aspect of in-person events is that there is no time difference. For example, at last year’s online Basel III event, some participants had to dial into the course at four in the morning or had to stay online until midnight local time.
Colleagues from the Directorate General Banking and Financial Supervision were also largely willing to present in person and had already agreed to do so well in advance. In the end, a total of seven colleagues came to present and exchange ideas on site and only the speaker on the topic of credit risk joined in via Webex – thus also making this a successful premiere of a hybrid event.
Two-track future planning
In-person courses will also continue to play a role in the CIC in future – the three-day “IT supervision in banks” course will be held in July, for example. At the same time, it makes sense for shorter seminars, in particular, to remain online. The aim is to have a mix of online and face-to-face courses. Ultimately, our guests will decide how the CIC’s range of courses will look in the future. The participant from Uruguay said she would definitely return. She was thoroughly impressed by the course and recommended us internally at her institution. This proved a success: several of her colleagues have already expressed interest in the “IT supervision in banks” course. Marcus Haas is looking forward to returning to in-person courses in the second half of the year, too. Let us hope that coronavirus does not thwart this plan again in the autumn.
The range of topics covered by our international central banking courses in the second half of 2022 is once again very diverse – please visit our website for more details. When registering, please make sure to check whether you are applying for an in-person or an online course. If you are interested in a central banking topic that we do not yet offer as a course, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Text: Marcus Haas
Photos: Tim Wegner