International Central Bank Dialogue

The Centre for International Central Bank Dialogue (CIC) assists central banks all over the world to set up and expand market-based central banking and banking supervision systems. In a short film, the Bundesbank presents the wide range of tasks performed by the CIC and reveals the opportunities yielded by sustained dialogue with foreign institutions.

International Central Banking Courses
Participation in a Web-Seminar ©Andrey Popov / Adobe Stock

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Bilateral cooperation
Collaboration ©ProStock-studio

We work together with close to 100 different central banks and supervisory authorities  around the world. Depending on the nature of the topic,  we organise tailor-made activities to suit the needs of our partner organisation. At present, our services are mainly being held online. Would you be interested in collaborating with us? If so, please get in touch. Here you will find more detailed information and our request form.