Past courses
Since 1995, the Bundesbank has been offering international central banking courses for central bank staff from around the world. These courses are held either in person or online (see the course description – please make sure to take note of this when registering). About 20 participants from other central banks can attend the courses, which are held in English. Owing to limited capacity, only one participant from each central bank may attend. More than 600 members of central banks from 80 countries participate in our international central banking courses each year.
The goal of the courses is to provide an international forum to exchange ideas, opinions and thoughts, going beyond the mere transfer of specialist expertise. The Bundesbank therefore applies a discerning approach to the design of its international central banking courses. Depending on the target group (management, specialists, beginners or junior staff), the courses either take the form of a seminar, a course with practical parts, (eg on the computer), a discussion forum, or simply a workshop. The length of the course varies, ranging from three days to one week.
Frequently answered questions
Current courses
Here you will find information on past courses (from 2023).
If you are interested in a course that has already taken place and you would like to attend next time, please send us an e-mail to
Monetary policy implementation In cooperation with the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) and the Joint Vienna Institute (JVI)
Junior to mid-level central bank officials working in monetary policy operations and officials from central banks or ministries of finance or economics whose responsibilities require, or who have a strong interest in acquiring, a thorough understanding of monetary policy implementation.
Accounting for banking supervisors
Mid to senior-level banking supervisors from central banks and supervisory authorities.
Payment and securities settlement systems
The course is designed for mid-level and senior employees of central banks. A solid background in payment clearing and settlement issues is essential for constructive and productive participation in the course. Participants should be familiar with the payment system policy and practices applied in their home country. Additionally, they will be invited to take an active part in the discussions and case studies, covering topics like T2S, oversight and innovations.
Macroeconomic analysis and forecasting Expert panel
Mid-level central bank officials working in the area of macroeconomic analysis or projections. Candidates who wish to applyfor the courseshould have a sound grasp of macroeconomic theory, and are expected to have a good understanding of basic econometrics and experience in the use of commonly used modelling techniques.
The Bundesbank – a German central bank in Europe and its role in cash supply according to ESCB rules (1/5)
This online course is aimed at those new to roles in central bank cash departments who would like to start by gaining an overview of the field, through to more experienced experts wishing to expand their knowledge and learn about the approach taken in Europe, including a close-up look at the Bundesbank.