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© Bert BostelmannWeidmann and Knot in discussion with students
21.10.2016 DE
Students from various countries discussed Europe and European monetary union with Jens Weidmann, President of the Deutsche Bundesbank, and Klaas Knot, President of De Nederlandsche Bank, at the Frankfurt Book Fair.
© Alexander Kirch +W / fotoliaCONTACTLESS: A convenient way to pay
18.10.2016 DE
Contactless technology is another way that your card or mobile phone can communicate with a retailer's point of sale terminal. Contactless payment is a feature that is being included with an increasing number of debit, credit and prepaid cards. Some mobile phones can also be configured for contactless payments.
© ninog / fotoliaG7 countries endorse fundamental elements of cybersecurity
G7 Fundamental Elements of Cybersecurity for the Financial Sector endorsed by G7 finance ministers and central bank governors on the margins of IMF annual meeting in Washington, DC
© picture alliance / AP PhotoWeidmann rebuffs IMF
Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann has rebuffed demands by the International Monetary Fund for Germany to use fiscal policy space for growth-stimulating measures. A more accommodative German fiscal policy would not relieve the perceived drag on the global economy, he said at a press conference following the IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings.
© gradt / fotoliaMonetary union making its members more resilient
06.10.2016 DE
In the current issue of the Monthly Report, the Bundesbank’s economists report that the European monetary union is making its member states more resilient to global financial shocks, such as a financial crisis. However, this protective function could mean that member states do not respond assertively enough when things go wrong.
© Frank RumpenhorstDombret: "Global economic recovery still on track"
The International Monetary Fund's Annual Meeting is being held in early October against the backdrop of weak global growth, low inflation rates and modest growth in world trade. The risk of prolonged stagnation is being overstated, said Bundesbank Executive Board member Andreas Dombret ahead of the meeting.
© BundesbankWeidmann: Give policy decisions time
04.10.2016 DE
Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann has spoken out in favour of giving the monetary policy measures time to take effect. Speaking at the Bundesbank's inaugural Capital City Reception in Berlin, he said it was in any case unrealistic to expect the measures to have an immediate impact on inflation.
© Bank of EnglandCarney: Climate change an opportunity for financial stability
Bank of England Governor Mark Carney argues that transitioning to a low carbon economy presents more opportunities than risks. He used the Arthur Burns Memorial Lecture in Berlin to explain why green finance cannot conceivably remain a niche interest.
© Olaf DziallasImproved performance of German banks in 2015
German banks continued to improve their performance in 2015. However, an analysis in the Bundesbank's September Monthly Report also reveals that the sustained pressure on margins is increasingly squeezing the profit potential from interest business.
© picture alliance / Westend61Is monetary policy increasing inequality?
Critics claim that the Eurosystem's current monetary policy stance is increasing the inequality of wealth distribution. An analysis in the Bundesbank's latest Monthly Report shows that they shouldn't jump to conclusions.