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© Stephanie Pilick / picture-alliance / dpaEuro cash turns 20!
At first the euro was mistrusted, with many calling it the “teuro” (“expensive euro”). Around 20 years ago, 70% of the participants in a survey by the Institut für Demoskopie responded that they had “little or no trust” in the euro, which had been introduced in cash form on 1 January 2002. Today, 82% of Germans support the euro. The Bundesbank played a key role in the introduction of euro cash in January 2002.
© www.push2hit.deCoronavirus crisis sees drop in corporate insolvencies
20.12.2021 DE
Despite the massive shock triggered by the coronavirus pandemic and what were, at times, very stringent containment measures, the number of corporate insolvencies dropped substantially in 2020, the Bundesbank writes in its Monthly Report. This was due in part to the temporary suspension of the obligation to file for insolvency, which is subject to certain conditions. German enterprises’ sales fell far less significantly than they had done during the financial and economic crisis of 2009, the Bank’s economists explain.
© industrieblickBundesbank expects economic recovery to take breather in fourth quarter
There was a steep rise economic output in Germany in the third quarter of 2021, the Bundesbank writes in its Monthly Report. Gross domestic product was up by 1.8%, therefore falling 1.1% short of its pre-crisis level in the fourth quarter of 2019. The Bundesbank’s experts expect that the economic recovery will probably take a breather in the fourth quarter. The Bundesbank takes a critical view of imposing a minimum wage of €12 per hour, which is an idea considered in the coalition talks. Inflation could temporarily rise to just under 6% in November.
© Frank RumpenhorstFinancial Stability Review 2021: German financial system has functioned well during pandemic Virtual format
The German financial system has functioned well during the pandemic; the extensive government measures have shielded the financial sector from losses. This is the conclusion reached by the Bundesbank in its Financial Stability Review 2021. At the presentation of the report, Bundesbank Vice-President Claudia Buch noted that, at the same time, vulnerabilities to adverse macroeconomic developments had built up continually, especially risks associated with real estate financing. “
Now is the right time to take preventive action against future risks,
” stressed Ms Buch. -
© Nils ThiesWeidmann: Do not commit to very loose monetary policy stance for too long
Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann reiterated his call for monetary policy as a whole to be normalised if required to achieve the objective of price stability. “Ultimately, that also means reducing large bond holdings,” he said at the ceremony to mark the change of office at the Bundesbank’s Regional Office in North Rhine-Westphalia. Speaking at the hybrid event, Mr Weidmann bid farewell to Margarete Müller, who has headed the Regional Office for eight years. She is being succeeded by Jochen Metzger, who was most recently Director General Payments and Settlement Systems.
© Nils ThiesWeidmann: Monetary policy should recognise and respect its own limitations
19.11.2021 FR
Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann says central banks shouldn’t become harnessed to fiscal policy or financial markets. “
One of the secrets of success for an independent monetary policy has always been recognising and respecting one’s own limitations
,” he explained. Turning to the question of how stubborn the high price pressures will be, he said the elevated inflation rates will probably take longer than previously projected to recede again. “We should not ignore the risk of too high inflation and instead remain watchful.”
© Nils ThiesWeidmann on cash: No other means of payment can replicate all its characteristics
Speaking at the Bundesbank’s fifth cash symposium in Berlin, Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann and Executive Board member Johannes Beermann stressed that banknotes and coins still have an important role to play in payments. The main features of cash are that it is quick, easy and secure, Mr Weidmann explained.
© Frank RumpenhorstBundesbank supports greater proportionality in EU remuneration rules
04.11.2021 DE
The Bundesbank advocates more tiered EU remuneration rules depending on a bank’s size and complexity as part of the impending implementation of the Basel III finalisation. Thought should be given as to whether small, non-complex institutions “
need even more proportional regulation
” under the EU’s current remuneration regime, the authors write in the October edition of the Monthly Report. -
© José Alberto PuertasBundesbank sends representative to Madrid
04.11.2021 DE
Executive Board member Burkhard Balz has introduced Fabian Huttner as the Bundesbank’s new representative in Madrid. The scale of the challenges associated with the single monetary policy in the euro area became evident in the wake of the financial crisis and during the coronavirus pandemic, Mr Balz said in Madrid. That makes it all the more important to reach out more to national authorities and financial institutions in the major euro area countries. It is for this reason that the Bundesbank has now resumed its practice of sending staff members to the German embassies in Paris, Rome and Madrid.
© adamkaz/ Getty ImagesThe global economy during the coronavirus pandemic
From the beginning of 2020 onwards, the coronavirus pandemic has been shaping economic developments around the world. However, as the Bundesbank writes in its Monthly Report, some economies have pulled through the crisis better than others. It notes that, whilst in a number of countries economic output has already returned to – or even exceeded – its pre-crisis level, in others it is still lagging behind. Extensive evaluations show that differences in the pattern of the pandemic and the measures taken to combat it, sectoral particularities and the scope of economic policy assistance can explain why individual economies have been affected differently.