Here you find speeches of the current and past members of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank from the past ten years. Speeches of the former Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Deutsche Bundesbank date back to 2005.
Deutschland und China – Standorte für Innovation Rede bei der deutsch-chinesischen Wirtschaftskonferenz
Brexit – Auswirkungen für Europa als Finanzzentrum und für Frankfurt Rede beim UBS Investment Kompass
Bundesbank-Vorstandsmitglied Joachim Wuermeling hat sich dafür ausgesprochen, ein neues globales Finanzzentrum in der Europäischen Union zu entwickeln, um die Abhängigkeit vom Finanzplatz London zu verringern. „Wir müssen auch künftig in der Lage sein, unsere Volkswirtschaft aus eigener Kraft zu finanzieren“, sagte er bei einer Rede.
From extraordinary to normal – reflections on the future monetary policy toolkit Keynote speech at the European Banking Congress
Monetary policy challenges: Exiting expansion and the “new normal” on the financial markets Speech at the Euro Finance Week 2018
Bundesbank Executive Board member Sabine Mauderer warned against missing the right moment for exiting expansionary monetary policy. In her speech at the Euro Finance Week in Frankfurt am Main, she stressed that monetary policy normalisation takes time.
Keynote speech: The role of the renminbi in international payments 5th European-Chinese Banking Day as part of the Euro Finance Week
The Deutsche Bundesbank's 2018 Financial Stability Review Speech delivered at the press conference to unveil the Financial Stability Review
Times of strong growth and low interest rates have seen vulnerabilities build up in the German financial system. In addition, the probability of an economic downturn has increased.
“Now is the time to build up sufficient capital and strengthen the financial system’s defences,”
said Bundesbank Vice-President Claudia Buch at the press conference on the publication of the new Financial Stability Review. -
Digitalisierung trifft Zahlungsverkehr – Herausforderungen für den europäischen Markt Keynote Speech im Rahmen der Euro Finance Week – Payments Konferenz
Economic policy challenges in the wind of change Speech at the Süddeutsche Zeitung’s 2018 economic summit
Herausforderungen für den deutschen Bankensektor Abendempfang der Bundesbank anlässlich der Euro Finance Week
How is Brexit transforming the global financial landscape? Speech delivered at the 2018 Bavarian Banking Day (Bayerischer Bankentag)