Here you find speeches of the current and past members of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank from the past ten years. Speeches of the former Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Deutsche Bundesbank date back to 2005.
„Taler, Taler, du musst wandern“ – Geschichte des Bargeldes vom Taler in die heutige Zeit Rede anlässlich der Jubiläumsveranstaltung „500 Jahre Erstprägung Taler“ auf der World Money Fair in Berlin
Regulatory policy in the digital age Acceptance speech on being awarded the Walter Eucken Medal
Risks and Resilience in the Financial System: A German Perspective Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA)
Vice-President Claudia M. Buch points out that an unexpected economic downturn could be amplified if the banking sector deleverages to maintain capital ratios. Hence, “banks must maintain capital buffers designed to absorb losses and thereby stabilizing lending”, Buch stated at an event in Dublin.
Brexit – A push for market integration Keynote Speech at the GFF Summit 2020, held by Peter Griep, Director General Markets on behalf of Dr. Sabine Mauderer
Grußwort zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung „Annette Kelm – Geld“
A changing economy – should policymakers act? Speech at the New Year’s reception of the Cologne Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Zahlungsverkehr der Zukunft – Weichenstellungen für Deutschland und Europa Handelsblatt Jahrestagung „Bankentechnologie“
Bundesbankvorstand Burkhard Balz hat sich dafür ausgesprochen, bei der Beaufsichtigung von Kryptotoken wie Libra die volle Bandbreite der bestehenden Regeln anzuwenden und bei Bedarf sogar auszuweiten. „Es sollte weiterhin der Grundsatz gelten, dass gleiche Geschäfte und gleiche Risiken in gleicher Weise beaufsichtigt werden“, so Balz.
Forward together – the socio-economic dimension of cash and remittances Stellenbosch University
Maintaining a safe and efficient cash cycle in times of change South African Reserve Bank
Capital Markets Union: A Central Banking Perspective on the Way Forward Keynote lecture prepared for the 2nd Annual Conference of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) Community of Practice in Financial Research Capital Markets Union: Unlocking Europe’s Economic Potential
Bundesbank Vice-President Claudia Buch believes that the capital markets union helps to make the financial system more stable. Speaking at the 2nd annual conference of the Community of Practice in Financial Research in Brussels, she also highlighted the importance of better access to data and information, improved communication of the benefits of integrated financial markets, and financial literacy.