Here you find speeches of the current and past members of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank from the past ten years. Speeches of the former Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Deutsche Bundesbank date back to 2005.
Central bank independence and the mandate – evolving views Remarks prepared for the international high-level symposium in honour of Stefan Ingves
Statement at the presentation of the Deutsche Bundesbank’s 2022 Financial Stability Review
Rückkehr der Inflation: Gefahr für Wohlstand und Arbeitsplätze? Podiumsdiskussion anlässlich der “Nürnberger Gespräche"
30 Jahre Bundesbank in Sachsen und Thüringen: Was können wir aus den Erfahrungen lernen? Rede anlässlich des Empfangs zum 30. Jahrestag der Gründung der Landeszentralbank im Freistaat Sachsen und in Thüringen
Financial Stability in a Monetary Union Speech on the occasion of the conference of the University of Tübingen in cooperation with Deutsche Bundesbank (Regional Office in Baden-Württemberg)
The International Banking Research Network (IBRN): The first decade and the way forward Introductory remarks prepared for the 10th anniversary of the IBRN
Time for structural change in central bank statistics? How to support the transition to a climate-friendly economy Speech at the 11th Biennial IFC Conference
30 years of monetary reform in Estonia: Lessons learned for the decade ahead Keynote speech dedicated to the 30th anniversary of monetary reform in Estonia
Finanzstabilität als gesellschaftliche Aufgabe ECONtribute Selten Salon
Financial stability implications of the current geopolitical situation CEPR Paris Symposium: Panel on systemic risk: Where is the next financial crisis coming from?