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Signs of an economic improvement
19.01.2015 DE
The Bundesbank sees signs of a more rapid upturn in economic activity in Germany than widely expected. In its latest Monthly Report, the Bundesbank cites the positive consumer climate as well as favourable developments in industrial orders and output as factors underpinning this. The economists expect the dramatic fall in crude oil prices to have a marked effect on growth.
Implications of the too-big-to-fail reforms for global banking Remarks by Claudia M. Buch, Vice-President, Deutsche Bundesbank prepared for the IIF-BPI Colloquium on Cross-Border Resolution & Regulation
Weidmann labels protectionist rhetoric "worrying"
Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann takes a dim view of the new US administration's economic policy signals. Speaking in Mainz, he said the shape and possible repercussions of future economic policy in the United States are sparking fresh uncertainty, calling accusations that Germany is engaged in currency manipulation "more than absurd".
New Bundesbank projection: German economy shows an upward trend
Falling inflation, but not yet time to sound the all-clear – outlook for the German economy up to 2026 Article from the Monthly Report – December 2023
384 KB, PDF
G20 finance ministers and central bank governors meet on the margins of the IMF Spring Meeting
The finance ministers and central bank governors of the G20 countries met in Washington to continue their discussions on core issues of the German G20 presidency. Besides global economic growth prospects, the main focus was on financial market regulation and the further development of global economic and financial governance.
Co2 Accounting in the cement sector Teresa Landaverde
International workshop | 21.–23.02.2024
Germany’s international investment position at the end of 2016
Germany’s net international investment position stood at €1,709 billion at the end of 2016, thus amounting to around 54% of nominal gross domestic product. Year-on-year, the German net external asset position thereby increased by €231 billion.