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Germany’s international investment position at the end of 2019
At the end of 2019, Germany’s net external assets stood at €2,472 billion, thus amounting to almost 72% of nominal gross domestic product (GDP). The German net external asset position rose by €345 billion year-on-year.
Risks facing Germany as a result of its economic ties with China Article from the Monthly Report – January 2024
223 KB, PDF
Acquisition of financial assets and financing in Germany in 2012 Results of the financial accounts by sector
Between integration and reform: Current developments in the euro area and Germany Speech given at the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
Bank resolution: delivering for financial stability Session II: Achieving a home-host balance Introductory statement SRB Annual Conference 2021
Monetary union – ever a work in progress? The euro area torn between the Maastricht framework and fiscal union 21st RWI Economic Discussion
Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann visits CNB
The President of the Deutsche Bundesbank, Jens Weidmann, visited the Czech National Bank yesterday. The main topics of his informal meeting with CNB Governor Jiří Rusnok and other members of the Board were the view of the Czech economy from outside and the situation of the German economy. The future of the euro area and the banking union were also discussed.
Houston, we have a problem: Can satellite information bridge the climate-related data gap? Andres Alonso-Robisco, Jose Manuel Carbo, Emily Kormanyos, Elena Triebskorn
690 KB, PDF
The relationship between monetary and macroprudential policies – black and white or shades of grey? Dinner Speech at the Annual Meeting of the Central Bank Research Association