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Die Ertragslage der deutschen Kreditinstitute im Jahr 2016 Monatsberichtsaufsatz September 2017
433 KB, PDF
Do banks diversify loan portfolios? A tentative answer based on individual bank loan portfolios Discussion paper 03/2005: Andreas Kamp, Andreas Pfingsten, Daniel Porath
613 KB, PDF
Annual Report 2017
541 KB, PDF
The Bundesbank posted a profit of €2.0 billion for the 2017 financial year, compared with €1.0 billion one year earlier. Following an allocation to the reserves, the remaining distributable profit of €1.9 billion.
Monthly Report - September 1949
The Monthly Report contains: The Economic Situation in the Federal Territory during the months of August and September 1949
Monthly Report - August 1949
The Monthly Report contains: The Economic Situation of the Specified Area ( Western German D-Mark Area ) during July and August 1949
Annual Report 2016
1006 KB, PDF
The Bundesbank posted a profit of €1.0 billion for the 2016 financial year, compared with €3.2 billion in 2015. Owing to an allocation to the reserves, the remaining distributable profit amounted to €0.4 billion and was transferred in full today to the Federal Government pursuant to section 27 number 2 of the Bundesbank Act (Bundesbankgesetz).
Zahlungsverkehrssymposium der Deutschen Bundesbank 2015 Konferenzband zur Veranstaltung am 15. Juni 2015
Das siebte Zahlungsverkehrssymposium stand ganz im Zeichen der Innovationen im Zahlungsverkehr. Die rund 250 Experten aus der Finanz- und Kreditwirtschaft diskutierten über wichtige Neuheiten und Entwicklungslinien im Zahlungsverkehr. Dazu gehört die immer breitere Akzeptanz und Nutzung von Zahlweisen im Internet und per mobilem Endgerät.
Monthly report – February 2021
The February 2021 edition of the Monthly Report comments on the economic situation in Germany in winter 2020/2021.