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Zahlungsverkehrssymposium der Deutschen Bundesbank 2017 Konferenzband zur Veranstaltung am 18. Mai 2017
Rund 250 Experten aus der Finanz- und Kreditwirtschaft waren der Einladung der Bundesbank nach Frankfurt am Main gefolgt und nutzten die Gelegenheit, um über aktuelle Themen, Innovationen und Trends in der Branche zu diskutieren.
Annual Report 2019
In 2019, the Bundesbank achieved a net profit of 5.8 billion euros. After adjustment of the reserves, the net profit is 5.9 billion euros, the highest net profit since 2008, which the Bundesbank transferred in full to the Federal Ministry of Finance.
AFS-Jahresbericht 2014 Ausschuss für Finanzstabilität
712 KB, PDF
Nach Inkrafttreten des Finanzstabilitätsgesetzes am 1. Januar 2013 hat der Ausschuss für Finanzstabilität (AFS) als zentrales Gremium der makroprudenziellen Überwachung in Deutschland seine Arbeit aufgenommen. Mit diesem Bericht legt er dem Deutschen Bundestag nun seinen ersten Bericht über die Lage und die Entwicklung der Finanzstabilität in Deutschland sowie über seine eigene Tätigkeit vor.
Market timing, maturity mismatch, and risk management: evidence from the banking industry Discussion paper 56/2013: Benedikt Ruprecht, Oliver Entrop, Thomas Kick, Marco Wilkens
The performance of German credit institutions in 2017 Article from the Monthly Report September 2018
416 KB, PDF
Financial Stability Review 2021
The German financial system has functioned well during the pandemic; the extensive government measures have shielded the financial sector from losses. This is the conclusion reached by the Bundesbank in its Financial Stability Review 2021.
Financial Stability Review 2013
Low interest rates and an ample supply of central bank liquidity have helped to ease the tensions on the international financial markets. So far this year, the German financial system has also benefited from this situation. However, the Bundesbank believes that these exceptional financial conditions present risks to financial stability the longer they prevail.
Annual Report 2018
469 KB, PDF
The Bundesbank posted a profit of € 2.5 billion for the 2018 financial year, representing a year-on-year increase of € 0.5 billion. This increase was due to higher interest income, noted Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann.