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Bundesbank expects strong economic growth in Germany
The Bundesbank has significantly raised its forecast for German economic growth for this year and the next. Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann expects the trajectory of growth to be sustained in equal measure by domestic and foreign demand. However, he sees risks of a setback to economic recovery in the euro area.
January results of the Bank Lending Survey in Germany
German economy has slumped since mid-March
15.06.2020 DE
A new weekly activity index (WAI) published by the Bundesbank is designed to measure real economic activity in Germany in a timely manner. Measured by the WAI, economic activity between 16 March and 14 June 2020 was 7.4% below the activity recorded between 16 December 2019 and 15 March 2020.
New indicator provides timely picture of macroeconomic situation
20.05.2020 DE
A new weekly activity index (WAI) for the German economy has been developed at the Bundesbank to assess the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the economy from a near-time perspective. The Bundesbank is using this new indicator as an input in its short-term economic analysis.
German balance of payments in December 2020
Germany’s current account recorded a surplus of €28.2 billion in December 2020, up €6.9 billion from the previous month’s level. Although the goods account surplus decreased, the surplus in invisible current transactions – comprising the services account as well as primary and secondary income – increased to a much greater degree.
Successful increase of the 30-year Federal bond 2019 (2050)
60 KB, PDF
The digital euro for tomorrow’s payment systems BaFin-Tech 2022
The future of the euro area – the perspective of central banks Statement by Claudia Buch, Vice-President Deutsche Bundesbank, and Sylvie Goulard, Deputy Governor Banque de France, prepared for the policy panel on “The Future of the Euro Zone”
47 KB, PDF
Acquisition of financial assets and external financing in Germany in the fourth quarter of 2016 Results of the financial accounts by sector
At the end of the fourth quarter of 2016, households' financial assets amounted to €5,586 billion; this figure was up markedly by €98 billion (or 1.8%) from the third quarter of 2016. The increase owed partly to substantial valuation gains of just over €53 billion on financial assets, in particular on equities and investment fund shares.