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An assessment of the trends in international price competitiveness among EMU countries Discussion paper 08/2007: Christoph Fischer
355 KB, PDF
Monthly Report - December 2013
The December 2013 Monthly Report comments on the outlook for the German economy as macroeconomic projections for 2014 and 2015. In addition, an analysis of the German enterprises’ profitability and financing in 2012 is included; furthermore an outlook for European retail payments (SEPA) is described and the new importance of repo markets in a changing financial system is reconsidered.
Price trends over the product life cycle and the optimal inflation target Discussion paper 32/2019: Klaus Adam, Henning Weber
How the Bundesbank really conducted monetary policy: An analysis based on real-time data Discussion paper 25/2004: Christina Gerberding, Andreas Worms, Franz Seitz
336 KB, PDF
Monthly Report - March 2018
The March 2018 Monthly Report sheds light on Germany’s balance of payments for 2017 and provides an insight into demand for euro banknotes at the Deutsche Bundesbank. It also includes an article on the design, regulation and use of contingent convertible bonds.