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International investment position and external debt Tables of the Statistical Series
Acquisition of financial assets and financing in Germany in the third quarter of 2012
129 KB, PDF
Introductory statement to the panel discussion “New regulation on trading with OTC derivatives” Euro Finance Week in Frankfurt/Main, Conference “Financial Markets – Finding a regulatory normal”
Bundesbank projection: German economy picking up at an increasing pace
The Bundesbank sees the German economy as still being on a sound growth path. For 2017, it has, in fact, raised its earlier projection. According to Bundesbank President Weidmann, the cyclical tailwind is being sustained chiefly by the favourable labour market situation and substantial increases in households' real disposable income.
Growth in renminbi business in Germany
Renminbi trade in Germany has experienced strong growth: German-issued securities denominated in renminbi (RMB) have more than quadrupled since last spring. The issuance of numerous "Goethe bonds" and other debt securities caused the volume to rise from just under RMB 5 billion to over RMB 21 billion.
Exploring a digital euro Opening speech at the digital conference “Fintech and the global payments landscape – exploring new horizons”
Anchoring monetary stability in people’s minds Speech at the conference marking the tenth anniversary of the Alliance for Monetary and Financial Stability (Aktionskreis Stabiles Geld)
“Designing climate policies” – second event with Claudia Buch
05.07.2021 DE
In the second event in the “Designing climate policies” series, experts from the academic and research community and the field of central banking discussed the international coordination of climate measures and the role of central banks in the fight against climate change.
New Bundesbank projection: German economy picking up at an increasing pace
The German economy is currently following a growth path that is primarily underpinned by domestic demand. Commenting on the Bundesbank's latest semi-annual projection, the Bank's President Jens Weidmann said:
"The main drivers are the favourable labour market situation and substantial increases in households' real disposable income, though foreign trade is currently being hampered by frail demand from the emerging market economies."
This is making itself felt on industrial investment, the Bundesbank's economists write.