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The whole is more than the sum of its parts Speech marking the change of office ceremony at the Regional Office in North Rhine-Westphalia
Prosperity for all – also in the future! Speech delivered at the Economic Conference (Wirtschaftstag) of the Economic Council of the Christian Democratic Union
20 years of euro cash: the anniversary year of 2022
06.01.2023 DE
For 20 years now, euro banknotes and coins have been part of the everyday lives of people in Germany and the euro area. To mark the anniversary, the Bundesbank met both with interested members of the public and with expert audiences on various occasions in 2022. The programme culminated in an anniversary ceremony at the end of the year.
Tony Cragg, Boulders, 1992
The relationship between nature and culture plays a key role in Tony Cragg’s work. He wants to create objects ‘that exist neither in nature nor in our functional world’. To this end he uses a wide range of natural and industrially manufactured materials.
20 Jahre Euro-Bargeld: Die Bundesbank feiert das Jubiläum mit einer Wanderausstellung und Podiumsdiskussionen
Is it time for a prosperity update? – Productivity, competition and stable money in the digital age Ludwig Erhard Lecture organised by the Initiative New Social Market Economy (INSM)
Meine Führungsrolle in der IT: Wandel gestalten IT-Arbeitgeber
19.07.2023 No English translation available
Stabilität im Wandel? Christina Frenzel führt eine Arbeitseinheit in der IT in Zeiten der Veränderung und schätzt dennoch die Stabilität, die ihr der Arbeitgeber Bundesbank bietet.