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Informationen zur Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten im Rahmen des Securities Financing Transactions Data Store (SFTDS)
20.11.2020 No English translation available
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was conceived at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, and currently has 190 member countries. Germany joined the Fund in 1952. The overarching aim of the IMF is to promote economic policy cooperation and stability in the international monetary system. Its mandate also covers financial stability issues that have monetary implications.
Fresh momentum for Europe Speech upon acceptance of the Grand Decoration of Honour in Gold with Star for Services to the Republic of Austria
International investment position and external debt Tables of the Statistical Series
30 Jahre Bundesbank in Sachsen und Thüringen: Was können wir aus den Erfahrungen lernen? Rede anlässlich des Empfangs zum 30. Jahrestag der Gründung der Landeszentralbank im Freistaat Sachsen und in Thüringen
Acquisition of financial assets and external financing in Germany in the second quarter of 2019 Results of the financial accounts by sector
At the end of the second quarter of 2019, the financial assets of households in Germany stood at €6,237 billion. Compared with the previous quarter, this represents an increase of €95 billion, or 1.5%. The purely transaction-related increase in financial assets amounted to €65 billion.
Acquisition of financial assets and external financing in Germany in the first quarter of 2022 Results of the financial accounts by sector
At the end of the first quarter of 2022, German households’ financial assets amounted to €7,558 billion. This was €36 billion lower than in the previous quarter. Households‘ financial situation thus fall for the first time in two years.
Summary of the January Monthly Report
The role of trade in goods in the development of global imbalances