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The macroeconomic impact of uncertainty Article from the Monthly Report October 2018
244 KB, PDF
The countercyclical capital buffer in Germany Analytical framework for the assessment of an appropriate domestic buffer rate
The purpose of this publication by the Deutsche Bundesbank is to provide information about the Countercyclical Capital Buffer (CCB), a new tool for macroprudential regulation.
The impact of thin-capitalization rules on multinationals' financing and investment decisions Discussion paper 03/2008: Thiess Buettner, Michael Overesch, Ulrich Schreiber, Georg Wamser
364 KB, PDF
The role of banks, non-banks and the centralbank in the money creation process Article from the Monthly Report April 2017
229 KB, PDF
Foreign exchange interventions under a one-sided target zone regime and the Swiss franc Discussion paper 21/2020: Markus Hertrich
758 KB, PDF