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German balance of payments in July 2022
Germany’s current account posted a surplus of €5.0 billion in July 2022, down €9.3 billion on the previous month’s level. This was primarily caused by the shift into a deficit in invisible current transactions, which comprise services as well as primary and secondary income. There was also a smaller surplus in goods trading.
Acquisition of financial assets and external financing in Germany in the fourth quarter of 2020 Results of the financial accounts by sector
The financial assets of households in Germany came to €6,950 billion at the end of 2020, increasing by €211 billion, or 3.1%, compared with the third quarter. With inflows of €74 billion in the fourth quarter, households again mainly built up cash and deposits, followed by claims on insurance corporations (€21 billion) and investment fund shares (€14 billion).
The future of the European monetary union Speech delivered at the IHK Rhein-Neckar New Year’s Reception
Economic recovery stalled at end of year
The economic recovery in Germany was brought to a standstill in the final quarter of 2020, the Bundesbank writes in its latest Monthly Report, stating that this was due to resurgent infection rates and the tightening of containment measures. Economic activity was consequently still almost 4% down on the pre-crisis level of the fourth quarter of 2019.
Economic activity and prices
Trends in economic activity and prices in Germany and elsewhere are reflected in various types of statistics.
Brexit and its impact on the financial sector
At midnight (CET) on 31 January 2020, the United Kingdom left the European Union. During a transition period, the United Kingdom will remain a member of the single European market and the customs union – after this period, however, Brexit could have far-reaching repercussions for the financial section and elsewhere.
National sovereignty and global challenges Speech at the awarding of the Karl Klasen Journalism Prize
Tasks and services
Efficient and secure payment systems are the foundation of a stable financial system. The Bundesbank secures and monitors cashless payments in Germany as a financial centre, provides settlement and clearing services and plays an active role in the further development of the single European payment system.
Digital transformation and its impact on labour productivity – A multi-sector perspective Discussion paper 28/2024: Elisabeth Falck, Oke Röhe, Johannes Strobel
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