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Firm-level evidence on international stock market comovement Discussion paper 11/2005: Robin Brooks, Marco Del Negro
432 KB, PDF
The Future of Community Currencies: Physical Cash or solely Electronic? Dr Jonathan Warner (Quest University, Canada)
196 KB, PDF
External position report of banks (MFIs) - Guidelines Special Statistical Publication 1
342 KB, PDF
Monthly Report - November 2012
The November 2012 monthly report comments on the economic situation in Germany in autumn 2012.
Sticky prices in the euro area: a summary of new micro evidence Discussion paper 02/2006: Luis Alvarez, Emmanuelle Dhyne, Marco M. Hoeberichts, Claudia Kwapil, Herve Le Bihan, Patrick Lünnemann, Fernando Martins, Roberto Sabbatini, Harald Stahl, Philip Vermeulen, Juoko Vilmunen
272 KB, PDF
Balance of payments statistics - September 2015 Statistical Supplement 3 to the Monthly Report
Balance of payments statistics - September 2016 Statistical Supplement 3 to the Monthly Report
Germany's external assets and liabilities: methodological adjustments and recent figures Article from the Monthly report March 1998
265 KB, PDF