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Outlook for the German economy - macroeconomic projections for 2010 and 2011 Article from the Monthly report June 2010
198 KB, PDF
Monthly Report - March 2014
The March 2014 edition of the Monthly Report describes the shadow banking system in the euro area and its monetary policy implications. In addition, the German balance of payments in 2013 is reconsidered and it comments on the vulnerability to crises of the manufacturing enterprises in Germany.
Budget-neutral labour tax wedge reductions: a simulation-based analysis for selected euro area countries Discussion paper 26/2016: Maria-Grazia Attinasi, Doris Prammer, Nikolai Stähler, Martino Tasso, Stefan van Parys
662 KB, PDF
QE in the future: the central bank's balance sheet in a fiscal crisis Ricardo Reis
385 KB, PDF
Monthly Report - January 2016
The January 2016 Bundesbank Monthly Report examines alternative indicators of price competitiveness as determinants of real exports, analyses investment in the euro area and discusses the supervision of Germany's less significant institutions.