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Estimating endogenous liquidity using transaction and order book information Discussion paper 34/2012: Philippe Durand, Yalin Gündüz, Isabelle Thomazeau
197 KB, PDF
Balance of payments statistics - March 2018 Statistical Supplement 3 to the Monthly Report
Corporate finance in Germany and France: a comparative anlasys Article from the Monthly report October 1999
178 KB, PDF
The international and European setting Article from the Monthly report May 2001
335 KB, PDF
Adjustment patterns of enterprises in the German labour market during the Great Recession - selected results of a special survey Article from the Monthly Report July 2015
101 KB, PDF
On the importance of fiscal space: Evidence from short sellers during the COVID-19 pandemic Discussion paper 29/2021: Stefan Grepinitr, Stephan Jank, Esad Smajlbegovic
954 KB, PDF