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Monthly Report - March 2015
The March 2015 edition of the Bundesbank's Monthly Report describes how macroprudential policy impacts on monetary policymaking and presents some of the ways in which the regulatory framework underpinning European monetary union can be strengthened. It also looks into Germany's 2014 balance of payments and includes an article on the methodology and results of the securities holder statistics and the role they play in analysing the ownership of securities in Germany and Europe.
Monthly Report - May 2020
The May 2020 edition of the Monthly Report comments on the economic situation in Germany in spring 2020.
Monthly Report - December 2014
The Monthly Report December 2014 describes the outlook for the German economy based on macroeconomic projections for the years 2015 and 2016 and comments on the financing and profitability of German enterprises in 2013.
Monetary policy and banking business Article from the Monthly Report – August 2023
393 KB, PDF
Financial Intermediation in a Globalized World Deutsche Bundesbank – IWH – ECONtribute – CEPR
Banks as investors in government bonds during the crisis – central bank-funded search for yield or de-risking? Research Brief | 36th edition – November 2020
Did German banks take on a particularly high level of risk during the financial crisis by investing in risky government bonds? A new study examines the behaviour of German banks between 2008 and 2014 and reveals that German banks – especially those that received government support and were comparatively undercapitalised – de-risked. This finding contrasts with the results of similar studies for banks in the euro area periphery countries.