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Outlook for the German economy - macroeconomic projections for 2009 and 2010 Article from the Monthly report June 2009
172 KB, PDF
Financial intermediaries, markets and growth Discussion paper 03/2005: Falko Fecht, Kevin Huang, Antoine Martin
636 KB, PDF
Monthly Report - April 2018
The March 2018 Monthly Report sheds light on Germany’s balance of payments for 2017 and provides an insight into demand for euro banknotes at the Deutsche Bundesbank. It also includes an article on the design, regulation and use of contingent convertible bonds.
What Moves Markets? Research Brief | 51st edition – August 2022
Are asset prices driven by news or by factors unrelated to economic fundamentals, such as market sentiment? In most asset pricing models news play a dominant role, but most empirical applications find only a low explanatory power of news. A new study examines this problem using an extensive time-stamped event database and finds that about half of all high-frequency market movements can be attributed to news.
Towards seasonal adjustment of infra-monthly time series with JDemetra+ Discussion paper 24/2023: Karsten Webel, Anna Smyk
German enterprises’ profitability and financing in 2015 Article from the Monthly Report December 2016
216 KB, PDF