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How Safe was the "Safe Haven"? Financial Market Liquidity during the 1998 Turbulences Discussion paper 01/2000: Christian Upper
278 KB, PDF
The German real-time database GERDA: Content, structure, search and download functions Technical documentation, Thomas A. Knetsch
358 KB, PDF
The stability of efficiency rankings when risk-preferences and objectives are different Discussion paper 08/2006: Michael Koetter
599 KB, PDF
Balance of payments statistics - April 2019 Statistical Supplement 3 to the Monthly Report
Monthly Report - December 2018
The December 2018 edition of the Bundesbank’s Monthly Report outlines the prospects for the German economy on the basis of projections for 2019 and 2020, with a look ahead at the year 2021. It also features an analysis of German enterprises’ profitability and financing conditions in 2017 as well as an article on the amount, profitability and risks of cross-border assets in Germany’s external position.