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Monthly Report - August 2017
The August 2017 Monthly Report comments on the economic situation in Germany in summer 2017.
How synchronized are central and east European economies with the euro area? Evidence from a structural factor model Discussion paper 20/2005: Sandra Eickmeier, Jörg Breitung
602 KB, PDF
Direct investment and financial constraints before and during the financial crisis Article from the Monthly report December 2011
215 KB, PDF
Reporting made simple What do I need to report, and how can I make sure I report it?
216 KB, PDF
Balance of payments statistics - September2019 Statistical Supplement 3 to the Monthly Report
Die relative Stellung der deutschen Wirtschaft in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Reformländern Monatsberichtsaufsatz Oktober 1999
110 KB, PDF
The German balance of payments in 1996 Article from the Monthly report March 1997
150 KB, PDF
On the interpretation of trade imbalances Nagengast A., Stehrer R.