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Bargaining power and outside options in the interbank lending market Discussion paper 31/2017: Puriya Abbassi, Falk Bräuning, Niels Schulze
Zur Rolle des Warenhandels in der Entwicklung der globalen Ungleichgewichte Monatsberichtsaufsatz Januar 2015
272 KB, PDF
Monthly report – October 2021
The October 2021 edition of the Monthly Report contains an article on state government finances in 2020 from the perspective of the temporary impact of the pandemic on the deficit situation and the effect of escape clauses on the building of reserves. Another topic discussed is the development of the global economy during the coronavirus pandemic. The question of how households in Germany view the digital euro is also addressed, with a presentation of initial survey results and interviews. The report additionally features an article on the regulation of remuneration in credit institutions.
Currency Portfolios and Currency Exchange in a Search Economy Discussion paper 15/2001: Ben R. Craig, Christopher J. Waller
268 KB, PDF
Global liquidity and exchange market pressure in emerging market economies Discussion paper 05/2018: Oliver Hossfeld, Marcus Pramor
575 KB, PDF